
You guys! It's finally arrived that I am able to reveal my new website and brand with you all. I am so thrilled!  Want to give you a little bit of the backstory so you are all up to date what I have been doing for the past 4 months.

I kind of took a leap of faith with this, as I was not happy with the issues my old website had ( from behind the scenes), so I told myself next time I updated everything I would switch my brand to another web host. With that, came some sacrifice, as I lost some of my old work in the cross over of when I started back in the day. After the initial panic, I took a deep breath and realize I am actually 100% ok with that. My brand and overall style of photography has evolved greatly since my very first wedding in 2012, and to me, it's MOST important for my clientele, viewers, or just photography enthusiast to see the latest and greatest of CMP. To see the work I am the proudest of rather than things I was into when I started this company almost 5 years ago. So the blog archive might not be as long, but the work is recent, fresh, and really reflects what I am hoping my brand is shaping to be.

When thinking about my brand this time around, I spent much more time writing drafts of mission statements, vision statements, the feels I want people to feel when they interact with me and what they can truly expect from Chelsea Morgan Photography. I feel like such a grown-up. I hoping to evoke a brand that is filled with more genuine conversations and emotional-filled art. I want more than anything to be more than a photographer to my clients, but an educator, explaining the creative process further so they understand how beautiful photographs get created. I want my business to be a loud supporter of intentional marriages, and capture wedding days that are simply the beginning of that journey. And for those who don't know this, this brand I'm building will not all exist all in my logo, or in how my website is laid out. It shouldn't, it wouldn't, it possibly couldn't! I am hoping it goes far beyond that and the rest will live in how I talk, how I promote myself, the experiences my clients go through, and the photos I produce. CMP should be the whole package, don't ya think :) It should reflect everything I love and am passionate about, along with photography. 

So yes, here it is! The new logo, new web page, passionate attitude, let's do this! Hope you like it, because I like it, therefore you should like it too.

My beautiful logo was designed by the talented Meera Patel, check out her awesome work